
I & II Samuel is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Analytical Bible Expositor: Joshua to II Samuel by John G. Butler is an exceptionally well structured two-volume exegesis, organized chapter-by-chapter and verse by verse, on the books of Joshua, Judges, Ruth, and 1 & 2 Samuel. Each chapter is evaluated as a unit and is ordered and arranged in the typical analytical, alliterated, outline style of the author. Butler’s commentary is...

displeased” (2 Samuel 6:8). David was displeased with God but not with Uzzah. Uzzah touched the ark which was against God’s laws, but when God touched Uzzah, then David got upset. When we do things our way instead of God’s way and things go sour, we typically blame God not ourselves where the fault is. • The fear in the perturbation. “David was afraid of the LORD that day” (2 Samuel 6:9). This was not the fear that spoke of reverence but the fear that comes from rebellion. It is fear that dishonors God. It is
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